About EYP
The European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded in 1987 in Fontainebleau, France. Today, it is present in about 40 countries, from Portugal to Finland and from Ireland to Georgia in the form of national, independent associations. These National Committees, of which EYP Switzerland, organise various debating events within their country and most importantly a yearly National Selection Conference, where the most brilliant students are selected to attend various events abroad, amongst which the International Sessions. Based entirely on voluntary commitment, the European Youth Parliament is organised by the youth, for the youth.
The European Youth Parliament aims at raising awareness concerning European issues, while encouraging an active European citizenship and motivating students to become politically engaged. In its activities the EYP promotes a dialogue between different cultures and mutual understanding, which brings diversity to the ideas and practices of every participants. All this provides for personal development and the acquisition of new, useful skills.
The EYP is a forum for everyone to express his or her own ideas and opinions, without having to take on someone else’s stance in a role play.